Tuesday 19 November 2013

Day 1-Arriving in the Tundra.

14th June 2012
Today I arrived to the cold bitterness of the Tundra, Baffin Island to be exact. I don't think I wrapped up enough I am Baltic. You would never think a place in the world could be colder than Scotland it's weird. 

When I arrived there was a young girl called Ataksak ,which apparently means Goddess of Ruler, was waiting for me at the place they call airport. We clicked straight away and I love her more than I like a lot of people at home, I can tell I'm going to love this holiday already. 

Ataksak took me back to her place where I'm going to live for the week I am here. Apparently for 2 days that I am here it will literally be light for 24 hours and it won't get dark so that means we can go out on the snowmobiles at midnight HOW COOL?! We are going to the cinema later, yeah I know the cinema! I didn't think they had cinemas either but apparently because the oil rigs have been built out there, the workers would need something to get entertained with so yeah they built a cinema. I think we are going to see the Hunger Games woo! Right I better start getting ready now I'll update you on my trip later.

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