Wednesday 20 November 2013

Day 2- The Fun Starts Here

15th June 2012
We never went to the cinema last night because I fell asleep and I apparently don't have the right clothes to go out in. I should be over my Jet-lag today and Ataksak said she would let me borrow some of her clothes until her mum makes me some clothes. They aren't the prettiest clothes in the world but as long as the keep me warm. Did you know we aren't allowed to call the native people Eskimos any more? Yeah well i made that mistake as soon as we came here and Ataksak gave me into trouble as did the rest of her family :(.

Last night for dinner we had caribou meat and it was nearly raw, I don't really like a lot of meat at home especially rare but now I'm here eating a weird animal meat that is rare. I want to spit it out but I suppose I will have to get used to it. I'm off to try my new clothes on now I'll update you later.
OMG the film was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G I didn't think I would enjoy the film as much as I did. I met some more friends at the cinema. Their names are: Uki,Ukiuk and Tuuq their names are so hard to pronounce and will take some time to getting used to, I bet I will have just learned their names by the time I'm leaving Can you believe it's day 2 already?! What do you think I will be having tonight for dinner? 

I had Seal for dinner, Tulugaak Ataksak's brother says he's going to teach me how to hunt a seal and a caribou one day, I don't know if I want to but it will be good for when I come back soon as I will be. Mum if you are reading this you should get a job out here it's Grrreat the only thing is it's so very very cold and that's not an exaggeration but you get amazing pay and it is such a small community you know everyone although they all have weird names but our names must be weird to them, Do you want me to see if there is a job going?
The water in the house(not igloo) is warm. They have to get their water delivered by a heated truck every day so it doesn't freeze. The houses are off the ground so that the heat doesn't melt the permafrost and sink and also the pipes are off the ground.

Right I'm off to bed. Night.

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